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Helping students
A Quiet Moment can help students
make healthier and safer decisions, also leading to decreased drug and alcohol abuse.

A Quiet Moment at the Beginning of the School Day: Giving an Opportunitty to Connect

Why A Quiet Moment?
Student Testimonials
Virtual Hourglass
“I noticed changes in some of my most challenging students - more focus, less disruptive behavior and higher test scores. One of my students with mental health issues told me that she was feeling less depressed and more confident. I highly recommend AQuiet Moment for any classroom.”
A Quiet Moment
A quiet moment is a 60-second period of time during which children reflect silently at the beginning of each school day. Content for the silent reflection is suggested by the children’s parents or guardians.
Schools have reported that students who participate in A Quiet Moment have displayed improved grades in school, better behavior at home and in school, and increased respect for teachers and parents. It has decreased anxiety, bullying, disrespect, depression, and crime.
Sit down with your child.
Share with them the values you cherish.
Give them the gift of the positive
reflection you decide upon.

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